segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2008

qq.semelhança não é mera coincidência...

Pack Light for Geek Travel - Wired How-To Wiki: "

Robert Scales' photo 'all that I am taking with me to china and thailand for 18 days' via Flickr. The smokes are optional.
It used to be that packing light was something only backpackers had to worry about. You know, the hard-core types who, like John Muir, set off with just the clothes on their back, a few tea leaves and a sack of hardtack to last them through a two-week trip.
But with today's baggage fees and carry-on restrictions, packing light isn't just something to keep you unencumbered. With some airlines charging for even the first checked bag, if you can lighten your load down to a carry-on, it'll stop the airlines from lightening your wallet with their endless fees. And by choosing your gadgets smartly, limiting yourself to a carry-on doesn't have to mean limiting your ability to travel in true geek style.
Here's our guide to living la"

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